Monday, August 10, 2009

G.I Joe:The Rise of Cobra

I do not know exactly why the people behind GI Joe: The Rise of Cobra, the need for this one of the reviewers, the hands. Do you know why in a second.

First, is the act. Someone apparently had the "Patriot Act", a little too far and has a strong illegal and very well equipped, the soldiers in the world (I do not want here to think of how international law, the ability of breaks). And frankly, it's a good thing that they have, because they are in a quasi-equality with high performance and power with terrorists / mercenaries / general bad. There is so much more that it happened here, but suffice it to say that all parcels can be reduced to the essentials "GI Joe is currently in the fight against Cobra, similar to that already in your childhood." Although not expect this design to your children, they of course also be teaching with the gun. Which sucks I WISH they kept the old order Cobra converted vehicle used mercenaries.

Clarify: It is not an Oscar Contender. This is the scene of the attention his absolute peak. I do not think at a time with me, but something or someone shot / skip / dagger / Run with a sliced alarming. The film is primarily a long battle, the stage sometimes broken through dialogue. Sometimes even both overlap, creating a way to develop and back story.

In a narrower sense, that's not really a great movie. He has no history and it is not really against the audience in any way. This May-why critics would have it, so that they can not go on any dispute (as) to how the film is essentially on the world in a real Cobra Commander style plot (double irony bonus points! Woo hoo!). Legion in a mindless sheep to a regular diet of shit.

Basically, you could take this movie with the title "Violence" and no one had noticed that there is a difference, maybe supported.

But that was the point. It is just a film look, something that you will see an increase of adrenaline and watch hot chicks fight and see stuff go on a regular basis. It is very likely the new golden rule of "popcorn movie". This movie could be in a dictionary next to the term "aggressive mediocrity."

Thus, the Ten Screen Head a scale of seven to ten, to exactly what he has to do and nothing more. In logic, there is a C-student is wrong, but it is definitely the best student-C at all. There is nothing wrong with this film, but there are not so right, because it could have been, either.


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